Support Us

It’s Not Pointless

We offer you a chance to discover Prague like you’ve never seen it before! Only we can take you to dozens of usually inaccessible buildings – once a year and for free. We open the city for everyone – we engage children in interactive tours and, as one of the few Czech festivals, we offer special programs for people with disabilities. The festival is organized by the nonprofit Open House Praha, z. ú., a small team of enthusiasts who work on the festival in their free time. The event requires the involvement of hundreds of volunteers. Admission to the buildings during the festival is free of charge, which is one of the rules of the international license provided by Open House Worldwide. We want everyone to enjoy this celebration of architecture.

Dva lidé na ochozu budovy ČSOB
Tour of the ČSOB building, photo by Dušan Vondra
Prohlídka pro nevidomé návštěvníky v Kasárnách Karlín, Open House Praha 2018
Tour for visitors with visual disabilities at Karlín Barracks, photo by Dušan Vondra

Why Do We Need You?

Behind this unique experience are demanding year-long preparations and financial expenses. The festival would never be able to happen without the support from donors and partners and without the priceless help of hundreds of volunteers. Your donations help us organize not only the festival but also many other amazing tours throughout the year, including e.g. events for our incredible volunteers. You can send a one-off donation of any amount, or become a regular supporter and join the Architecture Lovers Club.

You are doing meritorius work, which is something that has been close to my heart all my life. If we don’t teach people to love architecture, then architecture will pay the biggest price. I think that the activities of the Open House Prague festival and other organizations that are trying to bring not only historical but also modern architecture closer to the public are leaving a positive mark. It is wonderful to see that it works.

Zdeněk Lukeš

architect and architecture historian

How to Donate?

You can make a contribution via the payment gate – either as a one-off donation, or a regular monthly dontation in the amount of your selected type of membership. We accept applications throughout the entire year. If you’d like to give the membership to someone as a gift, we’ll be happy to arrange a gift certificate for you – simply email us at We will also issue a confirmation of donation so that you can deduct the value of the gift from the tax base.*


The festival is always amazing,
I really appreciate the work of all volunteers

and everyone who puts their energy into this.
Thank you for what you do!

podporovatelka Michaela

Děti staví budovy z bílých kostek lega ve festivalovém infocentru, Open House Praha 2023
LEGO workroom for families with children at the information center, photo by Dušan Vondra

Your Support Allows Us to:

  • Create an eventful accompanying program of the festival.
  • Work on opening more buildings and focus on more negotiations with their owners.
  • Improve our website and ensure its accessibility.
  • Develop a mobile app for a better navigation during the festival.
  • Arrange trainings for hundreds of volunteers.
  • Create texts, translations, and other materials for you and the volunteers.
  • Organize debates, lectures, and other events with experts.
  • Create Worksheets for Little Architects for children.
  • Have 3D models and tactile plans made for visitors with visual disabilities.
  • Ensure simultaneous transcription and translations of guided tours into Czech Sign Language.
Milovníci architektury
Become a Member of the Architecture Lovers Club
photo by Lenka Hoffmanová

Become a Proud Partner

During the festival, you can not only reach out to potential clients and strengthen your relationship with your current clients but also find new business partners. Thanks to a strong presence in the media, the festival poses a fantastic opportunity to make yourself visible. Does your CSR program support community life, elders, people with disabilities, education, and volunteering? Together we can help your program grow in all these areas! We will happily create a tailor-made partner package so that it reflects your vision.

You can contact us without any commitment at

Thank you so much, you keep getting better and better, and it brings a lot of joy and lessons!

supporter Jaromír

Support us by shopping our merchandise
Program celoroční
Explore Prague with us all year long!

What Have We Achieved?

The Open House Prague festival celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2024.
Thanks to your support, we are able to provide many people with unforgettable experiences,
educate in the field of architecture, and be involved in the development of an active civil society.

open buildings

photo by Hana Krejbichová

events for children

photo by Dušan Vondra


photo by Dušan Vondra

28 tours for people
with hearing disabilities

photo by Dušan Vondra

volunteers involved

photo by Jan Mizler

29 tours for people
with visual disabilities

photo by Dušan Vondra

*Legal entities can deduct the value of the donation from the tax base if the value of the donation is at least CZK 2,000. In total, a maximum of 5% can be deducted from the already reduced tax base. Natural persons can deduct the value of the donation from the tax base if the total value of the donation in a calendar year exceeds 2% of the tax base or amounts to at least CZK 1,000. In total, a maximum of 10% can be deducted from the tax base. We will happily provide you with a receipt.

Stay in Touch

Throughout the year, we send our newsletter about the festival and other events in english.